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Pancreatic Duct Stenting

The technique employed for placing pancreatic stents is similar to that used to place stents in the biliary tract. Once the main or accessory pancreatic duct has been deeply cannulated, a hydrophilic 0.035″ (for 5F, 7F, 10F stents) or 0.018″ (for 3F stents or when the minor papilla is cannulated) guidewire is introduced into the duct and maneuvred if possible beyond the stricture or leakage. The stent is then introduced over the guidewire . Stents can be placed with or without pancreatic sphincterotomy; pancreatic sphincter can be ablated by using the standard sphincterome in a single step procedure or after biliary sphincterotomy. The multiple step procedure is more time consuming but permits to better control the section of the sphincter so it is generally my preferred approach