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H. pylori

The urea in the solution you drank is broken down by H. pylori bacteria, which releases carbon dioxide in your breath when you exhale. Therefore, you get a positive test for the presence of H. pylori if the amount of carbon dioxide in your second sample is larger than the amount in your first sample.

How is urea breath test done?

The subject of a UBT will: exhale through a straw into a breath sample collection bag. Without chewing, consume a pill or liquid that includes the designated urea components. 10-15 minutes later, exhale into another breath sample collection bag.

When should I get a breath test for H. pylori?

Consult a medical professional if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms of a peptic ulcer:

  • Gnawing or scorching discomfort between meals or at night in your middle or upper stomach.
  • Pain that is relieved by eating or taking an antacid.
  • Bloating.
  • Heartburn.
  • Vomiting or nauseous.
  • Loss of weight.

When can I anticipate receiving the results of my H. pylori breath test? What does the testing's outcome mean?

Test Findings

  • When your laboratory test results become available, your healthcare provider will get in touch with you.
  • If the results of your test show that you have an infection with H. pylori, you will be given antibiotic treatment.
  • Your doctor might want a follow-up breath test after one month of antibiotic therapy to ensure the infection has been successfully treated.
  • Your doctor may request more tests to identify the source of your symptoms if a test is negative but you still experience them.